Saturday, May 29, 2010

Whoo Hoo!

I just saw for my LIS 2000 class, on my first paper I got a 5 out of 5!!! I was worried that I didn't analyze the book correctly for the assignment, but guess not. The funny part though is that my teacher said my paper was very patriotic. To explain, my Microsoft Word program every time I added a footnote it would change the font to red or blue. I tried everything I could to get it to stop changing, but it wouldn't let me. So I kept it red and blue.
Work was pretty busy this week, so I haven't started my grad work yet. Thankfully I have a 3 day weekend! So today to start off my wonderful 3 day weekend, I am going to spend today watching both my lectures and do the discussion questions. Then the rest of the weekend will focus on all the readings for both classes. I love 3 day weekends :-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I know I may be complaining more on this blog than I should, but I need to let out my frustrations out somehow.
I am not a writer. I hate writing papers. If I really learned on how to write a paper (structure and citations) in high school like I should have, then it would be so much easier for me. Gahhhhh! If this was a spoken presentation I would so rock this topic, it's just putting it into writing is what stumps me every time.

Monday, May 24, 2010

If you are in the military, your family can visit 600 museums around the country for free all summer long!

Great idea to bring more people to our museums and to have more promote the arts.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I must say it is difficult keeping up with all these assignments and reading for my 2 classes this semester, while working a full time job. It is challenging my time management skills, but I am conquering it so far. I have to write a paper for my LIS 2000 thats due wednesday, which should be fun since I have not written a paper in maybe 4 years. :-p

So far with the LIS 2600 class, we have been learning about computers (input and output) and application programs. I find this all very informative because you think you know all about computers when you use one 7 days a week, but so far I have learned something new for subjects that I thought I knew all about. I have learned about all the hardware that is needed for a computer to run successfully and how the flow of the system works. I definitely have a new respect to everyone that works with computers (especially everyone in the I.T. jobs). Computers are so complicated and hard to remember what works with what. If someone can be proficient in that field, more power to them!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


For every artist or historian, or special collections worker (or anyone I would hope!) out there must have dropped their jaw from complete shock when they found out about this horrible theft (like myself)! Let's just pray that these painting do not end up on the black market, although it would be difficult since the economy is not well.

What do you all think about this tragic?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The First Week

My name is Erica and I am a first semester grad student at the University of Pittsburgh, studying to receive my Masters in Library Information Sciences. This is a blog to document my first semester as a graduate student, for my LIS2600 class. Our syllabus states:
"The blog will serve as a diary of your educational experiences for Summer 2010. You are expected to post to it at least two times each week during the course of the term, beginning on May 19 and ending on August 2. Postings may include personal observations, including questions, complaints, emotional ventilation, etc., as well as references to relevant materials not included in the course syllabi."
I don't think besides my classmates would find this blog interesting, but that's quite alright :-)

This week has been overwhelming for me. All the readings and assignments I have had to do in my first week of class is more than probably all 4 years of reading assignments I had in undergrad. I am also facing another difficulty this week; I got a cold the day before classes started. Reading while honking your nose every two minutes and all the medicine is slowing me down for the week, but I have managed to pull through and still will be able to stay on top of all my assignments.

Now back to reading...